Sunday, September 12, 2010

texting... texting... TEXTING?

It's funny to watch people on their cell phones; either talking or especially texting the day away. I guess you can say I'm one of those old school people. I don't even own a cell phone this day in age! With all these new cell phones that keep coming out; touch screen phones, messaging phones like ones with a "mini keyboard" to text your fingers off; I sometimes feel like I'm out of the loop. Am I missing anything? Yeah, it probably should be handy to have a cell phone in case of a emergency. Now a days you can't find a public phone anywhere. But to sit there and text message from a phone back and forth - all day long is beyond me. You can do the same with a computer without the carelessness of people's attention. So many accidents like car accidents, walking into things and people falling in to sewers seem to be on the rise while texting on a cell phone and not paying attention to the things they're supposed to be doing. You don't read about many accidents happening while sending an e-mail on a computer. An e-mail gets to the person at the same rate as a text message does. 

It just may be a more convenient to send a text message by cell phone these days, but why do people go overboard with it? I prefer the old fashion way in calling someone and/or leaving a voice message. To me, text messaging is so impersonal. Don't get me wrong; its not like I'm still living in the dinosaur ages and don't know how to "text." I just think some people go to the extremes with it. When there are states imposing new cell phone laws; you know there's something wrong there. There's nothing wrong with an occasional text, but when people go haywire on their damn phones; its a small ingredient in the recipe for disaster.


  1. I agree with you people do get out of control with texting and just do not pay attention to the world anymore.

  2. I think cellphones have completely wiped out public phones. Someomes really fallen into a sewer texting?! Now that's funny!

  3. I like to watch people walking around texting--especially when you can see they are about to run into a wall. It's cheap entertainment.

  4. I have also noticed that you don't see many public phones anymore. Having a cell phone is good to have in case of an emergency though.

  5. no cell phone?? thats good in a way.saves money on your part i think

  6. i agree that texting is very impersonal but there are times that you may prefer a impersonal touch
