Sunday, September 12, 2010

texting... texting... TEXTING?

It's funny to watch people on their cell phones; either talking or especially texting the day away. I guess you can say I'm one of those old school people. I don't even own a cell phone this day in age! With all these new cell phones that keep coming out; touch screen phones, messaging phones like ones with a "mini keyboard" to text your fingers off; I sometimes feel like I'm out of the loop. Am I missing anything? Yeah, it probably should be handy to have a cell phone in case of a emergency. Now a days you can't find a public phone anywhere. But to sit there and text message from a phone back and forth - all day long is beyond me. You can do the same with a computer without the carelessness of people's attention. So many accidents like car accidents, walking into things and people falling in to sewers seem to be on the rise while texting on a cell phone and not paying attention to the things they're supposed to be doing. You don't read about many accidents happening while sending an e-mail on a computer. An e-mail gets to the person at the same rate as a text message does. 

It just may be a more convenient to send a text message by cell phone these days, but why do people go overboard with it? I prefer the old fashion way in calling someone and/or leaving a voice message. To me, text messaging is so impersonal. Don't get me wrong; its not like I'm still living in the dinosaur ages and don't know how to "text." I just think some people go to the extremes with it. When there are states imposing new cell phone laws; you know there's something wrong there. There's nothing wrong with an occasional text, but when people go haywire on their damn phones; its a small ingredient in the recipe for disaster.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reality T.V....

I am a reality T.V. show junkie. When it comes to reality shows; I am hooked! Especially when it comes to those reality dating shows. They never seem to cease to entertain me! In all seriousness though, I must admit that reality T.V. shows are like the caffeine in my daily cup of coffee and I am jouncing without them. In my eyes, without them there really isn't any better shows on television. I probably wouldn't even watch television anymore if it weren't for reality t.v.

Reality T.V. shows weren't anything like they are now. I remember as a kid my mom always had to watch her daily talk show "Geraldo" or "Oprah." Talk shows were the craze back then, and as I matured in adolescence I was the next generation so loving "Jerry Springer" and "Jenny Jones." I really don't think there were too many reality shows back then aside from talks shows, the news and funny shows like "America's Funniest Home Videos" and "Candid Camera." There were some dating shows like "Love Connection," but to me they seemed scripted and weren't filmed "in the moment." I do however remember when "The Geraldo Rivera" talk show changed talk show history. One of the first physical fights aired on national T.V. and some guy broke Geraldo Rivera's nose with a chair. That was definitely classic!!! After that, fights seemed to be the norm for talk shows like "Jerry Springer."

With the ever changing world, T.V. as a whole has definitely come a long way. It seems now a days there's more "reality T.V." than ever. I'm all for a good reality show, but sometimes I question the "realness" of it. Good T.V. should never hurt anybody, but one also must not take any reality show so literal. For someone to have the courage and air their "dirty laundry" and tape their life on national television despite the repercussions of societies' criticism is beyond me. Most of the stuff aired on the reality shows usually is edited, so it can either make or break the person being taped. Who's to say or judge if we aren't seeing the "big picture" and everything that really happens? Its all for ratings... the more we love to hate these reality T.V. stars, the more we love to watch them at their "finest."

I think everybody in some way is addicted or at least interested in reality T.V. The news alone is somewhat reality, and that's been on T.V. for decades. I guess what it boils down is forte. Where would America be without the 1000's of paternity tests, fights, revenge, hookups and watching someone else's humiliation? There's a reality show for everybody. Even for devoted religious people... God is on every Sunday. Regardless of people's criticism of reality show stars' lives, it can be a teaching tool of how not to live or to show others there is another way of living. Either way, it's just television.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Past, My Present and My Future...

Growing up, I can remember being a carefree child. I used to spin around really fast, then fall to ground and stare at the sky and watch the world turn really fast. I always wondered where the fast moving clouds were going too as I looked at the world go by. Kind of like when ever we went on any car trip, I would always wonder why either the moon or the stars and even sometimes the sun would follow us. Being a kid was awesome! I thought I was a normal kid, but now a days, what is considered normal? I was a straight tomboy too. My best friends were all boys. Instead of playing Barbies or playing house, our favorite games to play were games like ninja and cops and robbers. We occasionally played house; but instead of having a dad in the picture, my friends always played the sons as I played the mother. I used to always think that was weird that there was no dad our game. But then again, it was just a game.

Everything changed as I hit adolescence. What appeared to be normal was anything but. My world emotionally started to tumble when I reached the age of eleven. I saw my only brother who was sixteen years old at the time, go through a murder trial, be prosecuted as a adult and sentenced to two life sentences for that crime. It devastated my parents. Their only son, my only brother is gonna live mainly the rest of his life behind a wall secluded from his family. The sad part of it all, his participation in the crime was him just being there. My parents started to act kooky, and it seemed for awhile I was invisible. But after everything, my dad always made me feel better. I was very close to him. He was my world - my everything. Exactly two years later from the start of my brother's arrest, my father died in a tragic car accident. I was only thirteen. I thought my world fell apart. My grandma tried to pick up the pieces from my shattered state but one year and one day later from my dad's death, my grandmother past as well. I thought God was mad at me. I always asked: "Why did he take my family from me?" But now looking back, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't gone through all that.

Everyday I look forward in loving and being with my family. I have five beautiful kids and a great husband. Of course our everyday lives isn't always rainbows and butterflies, but we manage. My husband and I want the best for our children, but what parent doesn't? We try and do the best for them and for us for that matter. They are my world now and one hug, one kiss and even just one smile from them brightens the worst of days for me. I don't know a greater love than what I have now and my everyday living is living for them.

I wonder what will become of my children? Of course I want one to be a doctor, one to be a lawyer, a firefighter, a teacher and one to be police officer. But of course they'll have their own dreams and all I can do is try and guide them in the right direction. I ask, when will I have grandchildren... and how many? Will I like my children's significant other or will I be a meddling mother - always in their business and relationships? As I look into the future, all I see is my children. They are my future. Hey, like the saying goes: "Be good to your children... They decide what nursing home to put you in." For now though, I'm striving for them. I plan on finishing school and getting my degree to become a paralegal. In the end though, everything I do is for my family. After all, they are my world and my everything.